This pandemic is throwing everyone off their normal routines. We have to start doing things we are not used to, like wearing masks, spraying our hands with alcohol every so often, or staying in our apartments from days on end. Our team at Borboleta bag would like to send you love and good thoughts. We will get through this together!
For now we would like to share with you ideas on how to make the most of your time at home. Let’s decorate and organize our homes so that our time there will be fun and happy.
1. Find inspirations
Start with finding the style of rooms you like. You can find gorgeous ideas on Pinterest.

Let’s see what style fits you the most:

This style is a bit dreamy and unpretentious. Get a dream catcher to hang on the wall!
Simple and clean. You only have what you need and the vibes is white and clean. It makes your room

Also simple with a few cool decorative items.
This style is warm, with soft undertone. Yellow or gold to add the warmth to the room. Chic and elegant furnitures are a way to go.

Mixing both suburban with urban.
Chic and a bit over the top. Decorative items can be glam and cool.

Find out which style fits your mood and vibes and don’t forget that you can add your own elements to the style as well.
2. Keep only what you need and donate the rest.
One of the key elements of a beautiful home is a home that is not cluttered. While you organize your home, you can really think about which items you’d like to keep and discard. You may have heard of Marie Kondo. She recommends that if you hold an item and it doesn’t “spark joy” anymore, then it’s time to donate it.
3. Clean and organize the remaining items.
Now that you have only the things that mean something to you, it’s time to clean and organize better. You can clean the corners that have been neglected. You can arrange furnitures and organize the shelves. You may paint the walls or put up a wallpaper to make the room look newer. Or hang paintings or photos on the empty walls to add a little something more interesting to the empty space.
4. Get rid of old things to make room for better new things.
Just because some things have been with you forever, doesn’t mean that they are a good fit anymore. You lifestyle may have changed over the years. It’s best to really see if what you have still fit your lifestyle. If not you can donate them and buy new things. You can also browse second hand stores or website (like Don’t forget to disinfect with alcohol before you bring anything new in the house.

5. Recommended items
We highly recommend you to have one tall mirror and a shelf or rack for accessories. This way you can keep your things organized.

6. Plants.
A simple way to add life to your home is to have plants. There are easy to care for plants like the following:
Sansevieria trifasciata

Spotted Betel

Zanzibar Gem


7. Turn your home into a cafe.
With just a little preparation, you can turn your home into a cafe.

Try using your free time to make new recipes like crepes, coffee or tea.

8. 5 Foundations to donate things in Thailand.
You can contact these foundations so you can be sure that your things will be sent off to those who really need them.
1.The Mirror Foundation

Website :
Facebook : Mirror Foundation
Tel. 061-909-1840
2. Green Roof Foundation

Website :
Facebook : greenroof
Tel. 02-747-8881
3. Red Cross Thailand

Website :
Facebook : Red Cross Thailand
Tel. :02-256-4622, 02-256-4440-2
4.Suan Keaw Temple

Website :
Tel. :0-2595-1444,0-2595-1946
5. Pan Kan Society

Website :
Facebook: Pankan Society
Tel.: 02-301-1096 and 081-903-6639
Before you send your donations, it’s better to contact the foundations to make sure they accept those categories.
Even though it is the “new normal” now. Here at Borboleta we are 100% confident that you can make the most out of this time. We are here with you all the way. Please remember that we are also your friends.
Take good care and please leave a comment about how you are doing or if there’s anything you’d like to suggest to fellow Borboleta woman.
Connect with us on Social media:
Instagram : Borboletabag
Website :
Sending love to you!!